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April 13th, 2020

Organized by Westenders Car Club – Suzanne Ansley lead an old car parade through the majority of Weston Lakes. She and her husband Geoff, president of the Westenders Car Club, got the idea from Weston Lakes resident Tim Kirwin, who asked the Westenders club to drive their cars through the neighborhood parade style. “And so we did it,” Suzanne said. “I mean I’m always up for a road trip so I was like Yeah, I’ll organize it. Count me in.”

The parade was open for anyone to join, so not only were Westenders members present but other Weston Lakes residents and member of the Katy-based car club, Katy Cruizers. Before setting off on the parade, the Weston Lakes Clubhouse parking lot was packed with over 30 cars, a collage of colors and style. Suzanne, leading with her orange Corvette, was followed by people in old Mustangs, Ford trucks, Chevrolets, and many more old cars. Total of 76 cars!!

Over the course of 45 minutes, the car parade drove counter-clockwise through the neighborhood. Drivers and passengers waved at residents sitting in lawn chairs in their yard. I gave everyone, car enthusiast or not, the opportunity to get out of the house for an hour or so. In the height of a pandemic that hasn’t been all that fun, it gave old-fashioned car owners and their neighbors a chance to be together in a way and have fun. To echo Suzanne’s post on Nextdoor, “Big Thanks to Tim for the ideas!” Reagan Ritterbush.

Click here to watch video of Car Parade

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