Recycle, Shred and Trash Events
Adopt a Highway 1093 trash pickup April, 2018.
Babes on Bikes Team…plus 2… Nancy Reichardt and Jerry Kanney. Julie Sawyer trash warrior!
Texas Dept. of Public Safety left overs:
May 2018 – Shred event for the Weston Lakes residents!
New KWLB Trash Containers! The first one placed at the Weston Lakes Country Club swimming pool. Others will be moved around as they are needed. In August, we will provide these containers for the Weston Lakes House Concert.
November 2018: KWLB Education Director, Janet Bartek, and Carole Sandoval share with the children at Simonton Christian Academy the importance of recycling.
April 24, 2021 – Babes on Bikes (BOB’s) and others picked up trash on 1093! Thanks to all volunteers who participated to Keep Weston Lakes Beautiful!